On this day, 6 years ago, at 7:11 am, I was given the most precious gift I could ever recieve.
Andrea Jadyn!!!
I will never ever forget that day! It forever changed not only my life, but me!!!
I thought about writing a letter to her a few days ago, so that she could read it years from now and know all about how blessed I am to have her in my life, and what she was like at 5-6 years old. I may do this every year. Here goes!
Dear Andrea,
You are turning 6 years old today, and I can't believe you are growing up so fast. I regret that I do not take more pictures and that I havent in the past. You would not BELIEVE how much you have grown! I think back about it, and remember all of your little saying "we gurls" and habits, and your vibrant spirit and it makes my heart melt!
You have always been a very easy child to raise. You don't have any extreme fears, you never said curse words, and you were rarely sick. No broken bones, no huge accidents, and that is probably part my fault for being on top of you all of the time. I will try to give you a little more space.
You always have had your own sense of "style" -"ohhh, FFFFassssshion!" (was a lil thing you would always say, when you saw something you thought was cute!) and sense of self. While you love Hannah Montana, you much prefer Cher, and often ask me questions about Sonny and her. Did she make good grades in school,etc. You like all children at this age, love macaroni and cheese, but your taste for hummus and guacomole is a bit different...and I like that!
You love movies, ecspecially with animals, but it amazes me how you love "The Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood" and "Fried Green Tomatoes". You are so young and innocent, but still have a mature nature to you.
When we lay down to watch movies, you caress my arm, or play with my hair. You have a very nuturing part of your personality. I try to be this way with you, and most of the time you let me, but sometimes you want to be the nuturing type. Ask "how was your day, Momy" before I get a chance, and you tell me that you "love me more" constantly. You do this with all of the people you love, and it is so sweet. I get sad sometimes thinking about your teen years, and you outgrowing this loving stage. I guess I should just hold on to it as long as I can.
Soon, you wont want to sleep in the bed with Mommy :(
You loooove animals and are very sensitive to them and their needs. Most children are, but I have never met a child who was drawn to all different types of animals as much as you. I cant wait to get you a dog, but right now I am waiting to move.
You looooove to read, and do so much better than the rest of your class. While you excell in academics, you arent drawn to atheletic things, and prefer doing somethin creative and crafty. You color beautifully, and always in the lines!
I just love everything about you, and am so proud and lucky to call you my daughter and BEST FRIEND!
Andrea Jadyn!!!
I will never ever forget that day! It forever changed not only my life, but me!!!
I thought about writing a letter to her a few days ago, so that she could read it years from now and know all about how blessed I am to have her in my life, and what she was like at 5-6 years old. I may do this every year. Here goes!
Dear Andrea,
You are turning 6 years old today, and I can't believe you are growing up so fast. I regret that I do not take more pictures and that I havent in the past. You would not BELIEVE how much you have grown! I think back about it, and remember all of your little saying "we gurls" and habits, and your vibrant spirit and it makes my heart melt!
You have always been a very easy child to raise. You don't have any extreme fears, you never said curse words, and you were rarely sick. No broken bones, no huge accidents, and that is probably part my fault for being on top of you all of the time. I will try to give you a little more space.
You always have had your own sense of "style" -"ohhh, FFFFassssshion!" (was a lil thing you would always say, when you saw something you thought was cute!) and sense of self. While you love Hannah Montana, you much prefer Cher, and often ask me questions about Sonny and her. Did she make good grades in school,etc. You like all children at this age, love macaroni and cheese, but your taste for hummus and guacomole is a bit different...and I like that!
You love movies, ecspecially with animals, but it amazes me how you love "The Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood" and "Fried Green Tomatoes". You are so young and innocent, but still have a mature nature to you.
When we lay down to watch movies, you caress my arm, or play with my hair. You have a very nuturing part of your personality. I try to be this way with you, and most of the time you let me, but sometimes you want to be the nuturing type. Ask "how was your day, Momy" before I get a chance, and you tell me that you "love me more" constantly. You do this with all of the people you love, and it is so sweet. I get sad sometimes thinking about your teen years, and you outgrowing this loving stage. I guess I should just hold on to it as long as I can.
Soon, you wont want to sleep in the bed with Mommy :(
You loooove animals and are very sensitive to them and their needs. Most children are, but I have never met a child who was drawn to all different types of animals as much as you. I cant wait to get you a dog, but right now I am waiting to move.
You looooove to read, and do so much better than the rest of your class. While you excell in academics, you arent drawn to atheletic things, and prefer doing somethin creative and crafty. You color beautifully, and always in the lines!
I just love everything about you, and am so proud and lucky to call you my daughter and BEST FRIEND!